Retro Stefson (IS)

What is it that we love so much about music from Iceland? The melancholy, minimalist, introverted songs about the sea, forest, and snow, right? Well, it just so happens that Retro Stefson has nothing to do with any of the above. Mere teenagers at the time, the group debuted at the famous Iceland Airwaves festival in 2006 and were immediately hailed as one of the island’s best live bands. They’ve done everything in their power to uphold that reputation ever since, and their explosive mixture of pop, funk, Latino, and hard rock will get even the gloomiest audiences moving. But before Retro Stefson appear at the OFF Festival, check out their records: the 2008 debut Montaña and last year’s Kimbabwe. This band is a true volcano of energy from the land of volcanoes.