Megafaun (US)

Megafaun are good friends with Akron/Family and a certain Justin Vernon, with whom they collaborated in the band DeYarmand Edison before each went their separate ways: Justin going on to fame as Bon Iver, and Brad Cook, Phil Cook, and Joe Westerlund venturing into the unknown as Megafaun, exploring post-hippie music not limited by trends or time. There’s a bit of the country tradition with a rock edge in their sound, and even oddities worthy of Frank Zappa and Captain Beefheart, all performed in laid-back style that you won’t find anywhere outside North Carolina. One Pitchfork reviewer describes their music as “well-suited for a night strapped into headphones as it is a lazy Sunday morning, dancing around the bedroom.” In that case, it’s well-suited for the Trójka Stage too.